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Image Credit: The Founders Urban Gutters Kayla Bennett (left) & Alex Bennett

When the nation’s capital approaches a scorching temperature reaching 35 °C plus, residents of Canberra no doubt make plans to beat the heat.

Family trips to one of the area’s beautiful natural swimming holes, sweating dads pulling out (and inflating) the kid’s paddling pool or possibly just sitting indoors with the AC unit cranked to ‘Arctic’. Whatever is lined up, the priority will be to keep cool and relax.

Something that may slip people’s attention is that dry, hot conditions can led to local authorities warning Canberrans to be alert to bushfire. The high temperatures and strong winds are the perfect combination for any small fire to develop and grow to disastrous proportions.

Despite the summers of the last two years being washed out by ‘La Niña’, the memories of the bushfires that affected nearly all of Australia in 2019 are still fresh in the memory, and for those in the ACT and surrounding areas of New South Wales there are reminders and memorials of the devastating fires that took place in 2003, destroying land and property as well as injuring over 490. Tragically, four people lost their lives.

Throughout the summer months, the government encourages everybody countrywide to be ‘bushfire ready’. Click This Link to access guidelines that can help protect life and property. One of the many sensible prevention measures mentioned is making sure that any debris be removed from your gutters. Dried out leaves and twigs are essentially kindling waiting to be ignited. All it takes is one floating ember…

Though a homeowner can carry out their own gutter cleaning, it can be a long, arduous job which can also be hazardous, causing fatal falls from rooftops. ladders and other unsteady elevation devices.

To get gutters vacuumed cleaned quickly and safely, give Urban Gutters a CALL or SMS 0431 000 441. We are here to take your call and book you in for a Free Quote. When you accept the quote we will service you gutters immediately offering before and after photos and a comprehensive gutters condition report.

Urban Gutters carry out gutter cleaning and gutter maintenance services with the use of a powerful state-of-the-art vacuum system, removing all dried, flammable material as well as any sitting water, or mud that can cause damage to your guttering. We then take the debris away and dispose of it in a safe efficient manner.

Please be sure that your home and family are as safe as possible and follow ALL the government’s advice with a heatwave occurs. Bushfire Season. It’s a burning issue that everybody needs to be prepared for.



0431 000 441



Image Credit: Alex Bennett co-founder Urban Gutters Canberra and Urban Gutters Sydney

The aspirations and dreams that consume a youngster as they grow up are often variable and are rarely realised. Not that this is necessarily a bad thing of course. My best friend in year 2 often voiced his hope to one day be a traffic warden. This was based on his admiration for the uniform. He also hoped to drive a red Ford Fiesta XR2 like his speed loving older cousin.

By year 3 he had deviated to wanting to be a rubbish collector. On asking if he still wanted

to be behind the wheel of a Fiesta, he would shrug and state the massive bonus of his career

choice would be receiving one of those cool trucks that crushes the trash of the general


Incorrectly believing that he could take the machine home for personal use, his

notion was that another means of transportation would be unnecessary. He went on to become a chartered accountant. I have no idea what car he drives.

My hopes for a future career varied from being a pilot, a ghostbuster, an actor, a cartoonist

and to work in the Bank of England, (role non-specific) but I ended up being a somewhat

disillusioned gas engineer.

In a real-life game of career snakes and ladders, fate has led me to starting up and running

a gutter cleaning business in Sydney and Canberra. As much as climbing a ladder in the

actual game is a perk, so it is in the cleaning of gutters. I have landed on a ladder both

literally and figuratively.

I would never have imagined that I would find so much joy in gutter cleaning. If you separate

the two words, ‘gutter’ and ‘cleaning’, neither stir the soul nor inspire. Put them together

and they still don’t. It’s the job title equivalent of the British dish, ‘Toad in the Hole’.

‘Toad’? ‘Hole’? To appreciate this odd sounding sausage and batter combination, like so

many things, it needs to be tried*. Similarly, to appreciate gutter cleaning, it too needs to be tried.

I will caveat this recommendation by saying one of the main perks of the job for me specifically is the locations in which I work. Positioned atop a roof and looking out over the iconic Sydney Harbour, watching the yachts bob up and down on Old Mangrove Bay at

Newport or admiring the surrounding hills that stand guard over the city of Canberra. You can’t beat those office views.

If you weren’t located in a naturally beautiful area, you could argue that the benefit of inspiring views was not available. However, I recall carrying out work on a roof in the centre of Camberwell in South London.

Not the most aesthetically pleasing part of the world, however looking down on the scurrying people and crawling traffic from my unique vantage point, removed from the chaos without being isolated, gave me a sense of calm.

Yes, Working at Height Can Be Pretty Exhilarating. Carried out safely of course.

Another plus in our specific approach to gutter cleaning, is the gratification of watching all

the collected debris being sucked up by our industrial vacuum.

This may sound odd, but if you watch one of our Instagram or Tik-Tok videos you’ll see how satisfying it is to watch thick mulch being sucked into apparent oblivion, leaving a clean gutter surface sparkling in the daylight. It also partially fulfils my childhood ghostbuster ambitions. Just rather than sucking up paranormal troublemakers, I’m siphoning up decomposing gum leaves.

Close Enough

The overriding benefit of going from house to house across the Sydney and the ACT ridding

gutters of their dross and blockages, is the opportunity of meeting the good people who

own said houses.

The ones who call on us to rid them of their rainwater restrictions, jacaranda leaf jams and

tennis balls in their downpipes.

Our Customers

Getting to know the lovely people who require our services is honestly one of the main

perks and we always have time for a chat once the job is done. It doesn’t have to just be

about roofs and gutters either. The price of the family dog’s claw clipping to the latest

victory in a toddlers potty training, we’ll chin-wag about anything. We love it!

All in all, I didn’t see this career path on any of my horizons but I’m glad I’m walking it. It

means I get to meet and help good people.

Also, the partial comparisons to the ghostbusting aspirations keep my inner child content. On that note – “Who ya gona call?” URBAN GUTTERS!

**If you would like to know how to make toad in the hole, be sure to ask me when we visit.

It’s my mum’s recipe and it’s delicious!



0431 000 441




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