Image Credit: The Founders Urban Gutters Kayla Bennett (left) & Alex Bennett
When the nation’s capital approaches a scorching temperature reaching 35 °C plus, residents of Canberra no doubt make plans to beat the heat.
Family trips to one of the area’s beautiful natural swimming holes, sweating dads pulling out (and inflating) the kid’s paddling pool or possibly just sitting indoors with the AC unit cranked to ‘Arctic’. Whatever is lined up, the priority will be to keep cool and relax.
Something that may slip people’s attention is that dry, hot conditions can led to local authorities warning Canberrans to be alert to bushfire. The high temperatures and strong winds are the perfect combination for any small fire to develop and grow to disastrous proportions.

Despite the summers of the last two years being washed out by ‘La Niña’, the memories of the bushfires that affected nearly all of Australia in 2019 are still fresh in the memory, and for those in the ACT and surrounding areas of New South Wales there are reminders and memorials of the devastating fires that took place in 2003, destroying land and property as well as injuring over 490. Tragically, four people lost their lives.
Throughout the summer months, the government encourages everybody countrywide to be ‘bushfire ready’. Click This Link to access guidelines that can help protect life and property. One of the many sensible prevention measures mentioned is making sure that any debris be removed from your gutters. Dried out leaves and twigs are essentially kindling waiting to be ignited. All it takes is one floating ember…
Though a homeowner can carry out their own gutter cleaning, it can be a long, arduous job which can also be hazardous, causing fatal falls from rooftops. ladders and other unsteady elevation devices.
To get gutters vacuumed cleaned quickly and safely, give Urban Gutters a CALL or SMS 0431 000 441. We are here to take your call and book you in for a Free Quote. When you accept the quote we will service you gutters immediately offering before and after photos and a comprehensive gutters condition report.
Urban Gutters carry out gutter cleaning and gutter maintenance services with the use of a powerful state-of-the-art vacuum system, removing all dried, flammable material as well as any sitting water, or mud that can cause damage to your guttering. We then take the debris away and dispose of it in a safe efficient manner.
Please be sure that your home and family are as safe as possible and follow ALL the government’s advice with a heatwave occurs. Bushfire Season. It’s a burning issue that everybody needs to be prepared for.
0431 000 441